Comprehensive Diagnostic Methods and Practice to the Internal Discharge Defects of GIS |
Fu Wenguang, Yang Yue, Han lei, Yan Baofeng |
Inner Mongolia Electric Power Research Institute, Huhehaote 010020 |
Abstract This article describes the comprehensive diagnosis(UHF partial discharge detection, ultrasonic partial discharge detection, SF6 decomposition test) of the GIS (Gas Insulated Switchgear) internal partial discharge defect. Through work in a lot of practice, the performance of several ways to make a compared and discussion. On-site with the fault location and analysis, testing of SF6 decomposition products and the other two methods can be corroborated each other to improve the detection accuracy. Looking in-depth application of partial discharge detection techniques.
Published: 26 June 2014
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Fu Wenguang,Yang Yue,Han lei等. Comprehensive Diagnostic Methods and Practice to the Internal Discharge Defects of GIS[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(02): 44-46.
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