Design and Implementation of High-voltage Line Draw-out Power Sources |
Xiao Wei1, Xu Zhen2, Tan Tianyuan2, Yi Sichao2, Han Qin2 |
1.Guangdong Foshan Power Supply Company, Foshan, Guangdong 52800; 2. Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072 |
Abstract Power supply of on-line monitoring equipment is always the hot topic of high voltage line monitoring technology. The draw-out power technology based on the special current transformer induction was widely used, but the circuits of most induction draw-out power devices are too complex. Complex circuit design may influence the stability of the device. This paper puts forward a simply and effectively high voltage line draw-out power device design method which is based on triac voltage control. Introduced the design methods and control principles of current transformer secondary side voltage. The experiment results verified the reliability and practical of the design.
Published: 10 October 2013
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