The Study of Vector Control Simulation Based on Integral Transformation Algorithm |
Lin Anping, Sun Chengqi, Yu Peiwen |
HBEPC maintenance branch, Yichang, Hubei 443000 |
Abstract This paper analyzed the reason of traditional PI controller tends to cause larger overshoot, and need longer time to eliminate the steady state error, then proposed a kind of integral transformation algorithm, furthermore applied this algorithm to vector control system. The simulation results show this integral transformation algorithm can reduce the overshoot effectively, speed up the eliminating steady-state error process, and with higher anti-jamming performance to counteract load disturbances.
Published: 24 June 2014
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Lin Anping,Sun Chengqi,Yu Peiwen. The Study of Vector Control Simulation Based on Integral Transformation Algorithm[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(05): 44-46.
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