Lightning Protection Design for some Lightning Rods in Hub Substation Based Rolling Sphere Method |
Zeng Yong, Wang Hongbin, Zhou Min |
Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute of China Energy Engineering Group, Guangzhou 510663 |
Abstract Based on the principle of rolling sphere method, resulting in a conclusion that for the lightening-protection of some Lightning Rods include direct stroke shielding and side stroke shielding, this paper proposes a method of lightening-protection design for some Lightning Rods in Hub Substation. According to the model of rolling sphere method, established a space coordinate system, and calculated the strike distance and obtained the scope of protection for three Lightning Rods, then translated into the scope drawing of protection for some Lightning Rods.
Published: 05 November 2014
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Zeng Yong,Wang Hongbin,Zhou Min. Lightning Protection Design for some Lightning Rods in Hub Substation Based Rolling Sphere Method[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(09): 24-26.
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