Harmonic Current Calculation of Wind Farm based on Transformer’s Harmonic Model |
Zheng Shanshan, Ren Hongtao |
Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited, Hangzhou 310014 |
Abstract As wind farm using a large number of inverter equipment, it will contribute harmonic current to the power system. Presently in the wind farm design, the total harmonic current is obtained by conversion the output harmonic current provided by the manufacturers to the high side voltage ratio, however, the result will be considered higher. The paper introduces the transformer harmonic model to the harmonic calculation, the result is more close to the measured values, provides the reference for the wind farm design.
Published: 02 June 2015
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Zheng Shanshan,Ren Hongtao. Harmonic Current Calculation of Wind Farm based on Transformer’s Harmonic Model[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(06): 44-47.
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