Modeling and Optimization of the Surface Field of 330kV Insulator Strings based on ANSYS |
Zhang Xiubin, Mou Zhonghua, Sun Yaming, Peng Peng, Fan Diming |
State Grid Gansu Electric Power Research Institute, Lanzhou 730050 |
Abstract Flashover of transmission line insulator has become an important factor which influences the reliability of power supply. In this paper, based on electrostatic field theory, finite element models of 330kV toughened glass insulator and 330kV organic composite insulator established by finite element analysis. The reference is provided to the investigation of the origin of transmission flashover. Suggestions to establish the technical proposal of the transmission line flashover prevention is also provide.
Published: 02 June 2015
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Zhang Xiubin,Mou Zhonghua,Sun Yaming等. Modeling and Optimization of the Surface Field of 330kV Insulator Strings based on ANSYS[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(06): 63-66.
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