Study on Effect of Large-scale PV Generation to Relay Protection of Xinjiang Power Grid |
Yun Jian1, Chang Xiqiang2, Wei Wei1, Niu Jiaxin1, Wang Chen1 |
1. State Grid XinJiang Electric Power Research Institute, Urumchi 830011; 2. State Grid XinJiang Electric Power Corporation, Electric Operations Control Center, Urumchi 830002 |
Abstract Compare with the conventional power generation technology, photovoltaic (PV) power generation is resource-saving, environment-friendly, and has become the great importance as new energy power generation technology around the world. Because of the unique geographical advantage, sufficient sunshine and national policy support, only at the end of 2013 there were more than 100 PV power generations had generated in XinJiang. But with the large-scale photovoltaic (PV) power generation, it must have influence to the power network. In view of the actual situation of XinJiang power grid, this paper mainly discusses the effect to the line and transformer protection base on the modeling and simulation of large-scale PV integration by the “PSD Power Tools” of China Electric Power Research Institute. This discusses is beneficial for the selection of relay protection, and has positive significance to ensure the safety, stable and reliable operation of the power grid.
Published: 28 October 2015
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Yun Jian,Chang Xiqiang,Wei Wei等. Study on Effect of Large-scale PV Generation to Relay Protection of Xinjiang Power Grid[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(10): 27-33.
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