Freshwater Aquaculture Monitoring System based on the Technology of the Internet of Things |
Lin Yongcheng, Lin Chaoyang, Liang Zhifeng, Luo Yongsheng, Zhang Jingling |
School of Information Engineering, Wuyi University, Jiangmen, Guangdong 529020 |
Abstract To decrease the risk of freshwater aquaculture and advance the harvest of aquatic product, this dissertation designed a set of freshwater aquaculture monitoring system based on the technology of Internet of things. This system can monitor the water temperature, the DO (dissolved oxygen), pH, depth and some important water quality parameters which enormous impact the marine products. According to the requirement, this system can regulate the water quality and control equipment in the farm to realize the automated administration. System uses the wireless transmission networks to monitor water quality in the farm and sends water quality message of the farm to the users by phone. This system can realize intelligent monitoring and fine management of aquatic products breeding, effectively increase the output of aquatic products, improve the quality of aquatic products, expand production scale, the realization of the aquaculture industry health sustainable development.
Published: 28 October 2015
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Lin Yongcheng,Lin Chaoyang,Liang Zhifeng等. Freshwater Aquaculture Monitoring System based on the Technology of the Internet of Things[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(10): 59-62.
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