Review on Shielding Lightning Model and Calculation Method of Extra-high Voltage and Ultra-high Voltage Transmission Lines |
Li Yong, Li Shun, Dai Yusong, Zhou Yue, Qiu Xuemei |
School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Xihua University, Chengdu 610039 |
Abstract A large number of transmission lines operation experience and statistics of lightning trip fault show that lightning shielding failure at 500kV and above voltage level extra-high voltage and ultra-high voltage transmission lines is the most common reason.This paper describes in detail about the strike shield models and calculation methods currently used to analyze the shielding property of transmission line. Such as regulation method, electro-geometric model, improved electro-geometric, LPM, based on the fractal-characterized LPM. And put forward their own views to focus research in the future.
Published: 13 January 2016
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Li Yong,Li Shun,Dai Yusong等. Review on Shielding Lightning Model and Calculation Method of Extra-high Voltage and Ultra-high Voltage Transmission Lines[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(1): 1-5.
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