Insulator Fault Diagnosis based on Thermal Infrared Imaging System |
Wang Xingzhao1, Zhou Dazhou1, Wang Ning2 |
1. State Grid Co., Ltd, Shandong Power Supply Company, Ji’nan 250000; ; 2. State Grid Co., Ltd, Ji’nan Power Supply Company, Ji’nan 529020;
Abstract Aimat power outage or charged insulation resistance measurement distribution voltage zero detection approach in practice, there are large range of power, personnel safety risk is high, there is no guarantee that the problem such as testing cycle, this paper analyzes the disc hanging porcelain insulator infrared temperature measurement data precision, and through the expert experience summed up the use of infrared heat insulator fault classification research. Possible fault types of insulator by voltage distribution test, insulation resistance testing, insulator leakage current test means such as test, ac withstand voltage test to verify the final failure analysis of thermal infrared imaging results.
Published: 24 November 2016
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