The Simulation and Protective Measures Study by Simulation on VFTO in GIS |
Liu Weiqing1, Yang Qin2, Deng Chuanhai1, Xiao Jieping1, Wang Han1 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering, Northeast Dianli University, Jilin, Jilin 132012; 2. School of Information Engineering, Northeast Dianli University, Jilin, Jilin 132012 |
Abstract At present, with the wide application of Gas Insulated Switchgear(GIS) in power system, especially in Super Voltage and UHV systems, the damage of equipment caused by Very Fast Transient Over-voltage(VFTO) for disconnector operation get widespread attention. First, obtain the VFTO waveform and amplitude of some main node under Bus-side disconnector operation in a 550kV GIS by using the electromagnetic transient simulation software(ATP-EMTP). Furthermore, the measure to restrain the VFTO in GIS system is propsed by adding closing resistance, loading metal oxide arrester, using grounding switch to release residual charge, paralleling coupling capacitor in high voltage side of main transformer; the method provide a reference to design and product Super Voltage or UHV GIS equipment.
Published: 26 February 2016
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Liu Weiqing,Yang Qin,Deng Chuanhai等. The Simulation and Protective Measures Study by Simulation on VFTO in GIS[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(2): 13-17.
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