Modeling and Simulation of the Direct-drive Permanent-magnetic Wind Power System in Microgrid based on PSCAD/EMTDC |
Zhou Wei1, Han Lidong1, Li Gang1, Zhao Jing2 |
1. Dalian Power Supply Company, Dalian, Liaoning 116033; 2. Dalian Thermal Power Group Company Xianghai Thermal Power Plant, Dalian, Liaoning 116083 |
Abstract Introduction was made to the working principle of direct-drive permanent magnet synchronous wind turbine on the microgrid. In this paper, we developed a complete mathematic wind power generation system model in parallel operation on PSCAD/EMTDC software platform, which includes the permanent-magnetic direct-drive wind power generator, the rectification circuit and an inverter with feed-forward voltage control method. The wind power generation system is applied to maximum power point tracking by fixing the optimal tip speed ratio, and the constant DC voltage control method is based on the non interactive grid-following theory. At last, three different wind speed models were built to stimulating the operation characteristics of the direct-drive permanent magnet synchronous wind turbine, and the comparison between output waveforms before and after the feed-forward voltage control module accessing to the system was made to prove the validity of the model, which would be the basis of the further study of developing a complete microgrid model and studying the variation of power system with AC micro sources.
Published: 26 February 2016
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Zhou Wei,Han Lidong,Li Gang等. Modeling and Simulation of the Direct-drive Permanent-magnetic Wind Power System in Microgrid based on PSCAD/EMTDC[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(2): 52-57.
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