Condensation Prevention for Outdoor Intelligent Control Canbinet |
Ye Rui, Zhang Haojun, Zhang Bingbing, Zha Xiaochun, Ge Yun |
Xi’an XD Switchgear Electric Co., Ltd, Xi’an 710077 |
Abstract Intelligent control cabinet is an important device in intelligent substation, the numbers of electronic devices, when installed in intelligent control cabinet, whose reliability will directly affect the power quality and the supply reliability of the power. However, due to the changeable weather condition and regional differences, the cabinet's internal and external temperature and humidity will range seriously, then leading to the phenomenon of condensation inside the cabinet as well as resulting in life decreasing of intelligent devices and abnormal operation of the grid. The paper describes the principle of the condensation phenomenon of the intelligent control cabinet, and in accordance with the production of our company, some measures are put forward to prevent condensation, which plays a positive role in the power supply.
Published: 24 August 2016
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Ye Rui,Zhang Haojun,Zhang Bingbing等. Condensation Prevention for Outdoor Intelligent Control Canbinet[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(8): 110-113.
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