Research and Design of a Kind of Grounding Line with Power-alarm |
Wang Xiaohui, Wu Bin, Dai Ming, Sun Zhongwen, Ji Lianhe |
State Grid Xuzhou Power Supply Company, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221000 |
Abstract In order to reduce the manpower input to install the grounding wire, to avoid the malignant operation accident of installation grounding wire in the case of electricity and to ensure the safe operation of the personal and equipment, this paper studies and designs a kind of ground wire for power-alarm. According to the size of the grounding line joint, a power-alarm with filtering function and anti-electromagnetic interference function is designed, with other modules being matched. The test and the results show that the device can reliably send out alarm signals outside the safe distance of the charged equipment, and effectively reduce the manpower input when the grounding wire is installed.
Published: 18 August 2017
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