On-board diagnosis approach for battery of electric vehicle based on improved threshold comparison method |
Chen Ruyin1, Lai Songlin1, Yang Zhi2 |
1. College of Physics and Information Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108; 2. Beyond Intelligence Corporatin, Fuzhou 350025 |
Abstract In order to ensure efficient and safe operation of electric vehicle battery, on-board detection and diagnosis of battery faults has become one of significant parts of the BMS. In this paper, an on-board diagnosis approach based on the battery state is proposed by improving the traditional threshold comparison method. Through the real-time monitoring of power battery status, the threshold of faults and delay time can be adjusted according to the analysis of the fault degree by this approach. It can realize that response and diagnose to serious faults rapidly. And the influence of abnormal pulse and needle burr data which may occur during parameter sampling can be filtered effectively. Through the charge and discharge process test, the result shows that the response can be controlled according to the degree of fault and the rationality of on-board diagnosis is improved by this approach, which can be applied to the actual BMS.
Received: 15 May 2018
Published: 18 December 2018
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Chen Ruyin,Lai Songlin,Yang Zhi. On-board diagnosis approach for battery of electric vehicle based on improved threshold comparison method[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(12): 18-24.
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