Electrical characteristics of arrester defects based on different detection methods |
Zhang Xiongqing, Lin Yi, Zhang Mingshan, Sun Xiaona |
Zhoushan Power Supply Company, Zhoushan, Zhejiang 316000 |
Abstract In electric power system, arrester is an overvoltage protection device that is connected to the electrical device. It plays a vital role in the safe operation of the equipment. This paper introduces the principle and data analysis methods of arrester live testing methods and power failure routine test, combined with the actual case to illustrate. Practice can prove that the infrared thermal imaging inspection and the sustained current in operation (resistance current) both can find the arrester internal defects in case of no power failure effectively. So they can be an effective supplement of the power failure routine test.
Received: 30 October 2017
Published: 21 May 2018
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Zhang Xiongqing,Lin Yi,Zhang Mingshan等. Electrical characteristics of arrester defects based on different detection methods[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(5): 80-82.
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