Research and design half-bridge LLC resonant for AC-DC converter |
Lv Qingsong, Xu Yishen, Ni Zhaolin, Ma Shizhe |
School of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215006 |
Abstract With the rapid development of power electronics technology, high efficiency and high power density have become the main development directions of power converters, while traditional PWM power converters use hard switching technology, which has large switching losses and low efficiency. In view of this practical problem and the application requirements for wide-range voltage input, an AC-DC converter with wide voltage input, high power factor and high efficiency is designed by using APFC+LLC+SR topology structure, and a prototype of 200W/24V system is built. The test results show that the prototype power factor can reach 0.98 at 220V/50Hz input, and the average efficiency of the system in the entire load range is over 92%, which verifies the effectiveness of the design scheme and can meet the practical application requirements within a certain range.
Received: 07 March 2019
Published: 29 September 2019
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