Proportional resonant control design based on single phase inverter |
Li Kun, Zheng Wenshuai, Ma Chao, Liu Chunxi |
Liaoning Technical University, Huludao, Liaoning 125105 |
Abstract In the application of single-phase grid-connected inverter, the parameters of current controller play an important role in the quality of system output current. It is an effective method to control the output current of inverter when load current is abrupt. In this paper, a parameter design method of proportional resonant (PR) controller is proposed to achieve the best performance of the system. By modeling and analyzing the system, the transfer function of the system is derived, and the parameters of the PR controller are determined by using the open-loop amplitudes and frequencies of the system. Through analyzing system modeling system transfer function is deduced, using the amplitude frequency characteristics to determine the PR system open loop controller parameters to obtain better dynamic performance, gain within the system bandwidth to achieve the ideal system, giving full play to the PR controller under stationary coordinate system to the advantage of the fundamental frequency current astatic tracking. Finally, the feasibility and effectiveness of the method are verified by simulation and experiment.
Received: 07 May 2019
Published: 19 December 2019
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