The new combined power quality conditioner in distribution network with its application |
Zhao Zihuai1, Hu Peng2, Liang Jun3 |
1. Xihua University, Chengdu 610039; 2. Chengdu MOLO Electric, Chengdu 610500; 3. Anshun Power Supply Bureau, Anshun, Guizhou 561000 |
Abstract Due to the complex structure of the distribution network and varieties of network equipment, power quality problems of electric power system have been exposed gradually. The issue of power quality covers a wide range. It contains both voltage qualification and harmonic content. In this case, a power quality conditioner must be used for improvement. In order to solve problems of distribution network power quality, this paper proposes a new combined power quality conditioner in distribution network, based on harmonic elimination and fundamental wave compensation. It gives hardware circuit and control strategy. The actual operation of the device, in anshun city guizhou province, proves that the device has good capabilities in the completion of three-phase unbalanced current compensation, reactive power compensation, voltage balance, energy saving and so on. In result, it’s worth further promotion.
Received: 21 June 2018
Published: 17 April 2019
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Zhao Zihuai,Hu Peng,Liang Jun. The new combined power quality conditioner in distribution network with its application[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(4): 110-113.
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