Multi-parameter tuning of servo system based on improved particle swarm optimization |
Tian Feng, Lin Rongwen, Wu Di |
College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108 |
Abstract With the wider application of AC servo system in manufacturing industry, higher performance requirements have been put forward for servo system. Considering that the basic particle swarm optimization algorithm is easy to fall into local optimum and the traditional manual tuning method of servo system control parameters is time-consuming, laborious and poor performance, this paper chooses integrated time absolute error as the performance index, and uses the improved particle swarm optimization algorithm to tune and calculate multiple control parameters of servo system. The optimization of speed response time and speed error is taken as the goal of setting calculation, and the simulation analysis is carried out with the vector control system of AC servo system. The simulation results show that the global search ability of the improved algorithm is strong, and the optimal setting value of multi-parameters of the servo system can be obtained. The servo system can also have good dynamic and steady-state performance.
Received: 23 January 2019
Published: 12 September 2019
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Tian Feng,Lin Rongwen,Wu Di. Multi-parameter tuning of servo system based on improved particle swarm optimization[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(9): 26-30.
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