Design of intelligent robot of operation monitoring system in the direct current converter station |
Zhu Tianyi1, Dai Fengzhe2, Kang Wen1, Mao Zhiping1, Zhou Zhanfan1 |
1. State Grid Hu’nan Maintenance Company, Changsha 410100; 2. School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Changsha University of Science & Technology, Changsha 410004 |
Abstract With the rapid development of the smart gird in China, levels of the automation are higher and higher for all kinds of the electrical equipment. There will be more and more unattended substation and attended substation with fewer persons. However, there are lots of equipment in direct current converter station, and the control and auxiliary system are very complex. Thus, intelligence monitoring system is an essential in the unattended substation. In this paper, the intelligent robot of operation monitoring is presented for the direct current converter station. Through the intelligent scanning, the types of the fault information are gathered. They are classified into several groups by data identifications, and the key characteristic of the data is extracted. The robot can transmit the information by the cloud technology. Finally, the engineering example is presented and the effectiveness of the method is proved.
Received: 03 July 2019
Published: 27 February 2020
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Zhu Tianyi,Dai Fengzhe,Kang Wen等. Design of intelligent robot of operation monitoring system in the direct current converter station[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(2): 22-25.
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