Risk analysis and precaution for transformer breaker failure protection relay setting in dual-bus connection |
Chen Jianping, Shi Hengchu, You Hao, Yang Yuanhang, Li Yinyin |
Yunnan Power Dispatching Control Center, Kunming 650011 |
Abstract Breaker failure protection plays an important role in improving the safe and stable level of the power grid, but its incorrect action can have a significant impact on the grid. Based on the inconsistency of breaker failure protection connection for 220kV transformers, aiming at preventing incorrect relay setting, this paper analyzes three typical connections and their relay setting risks, and some preventive measures are put forward. This work will promote normative relay setting, and preventing wrong action of breaker failure protection effectively.
Received: 08 November 2019
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Chen Jianping,Shi Hengchu,You Hao等. Risk analysis and precaution for transformer breaker failure protection relay setting in dual-bus connection[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(6): 127-131.
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