Actual measurement and analysis of wind power plant participating in power grid fast frequency regulation base on droop characteristic |
Wei Bo1, Shao Chong2, Zhang Bolin2, Tang Wen2, Shen Weicheng1 |
1. State Grid Gansu Electric Power Research Institute, Lanzhou 730070; 2. State Grid Gansu Electric Power Company, Lanzhou 730046 |
Abstract With the further growth of region wind power penetration rate, conventional generators are replaced by plenty of renewable energy generating, which results in continued decline of power grid rotational inertia. Consequently, the frequency characteristic of power grid is trending downward. So it is an urgent need to study implementation of renewable energy generating units to participate in grid frequency regulation. This paper proposed a policy setting of wind turbines participating in grid frequency regulation base on droop control method, and picked a wind power plant with a typical capacity which contains 133 double fed induction wind turbines. Combined with plant-side off-line validating test and frequency characteristics test of Northwest Power Grid in second half of 2016, the fast frequency response capability of the wind turbines was actually verified for the first time from the perspective of the entire wind farm. The result shows that the wind turbines can rapidly adjust the output tracking the power system frequency, and the improvement of the frequency characteristic is significant.
Received: 28 November 2019
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Wei Bo,Shao Chong,Zhang Bolin等. Actual measurement and analysis of wind power plant participating in power grid fast frequency regulation base on droop characteristic[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(6): 39-44.
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