Analysis on misoperation of gas relay caused by oil replenishment of on load tap changer with load |
QIAO Shengya, ZHOU Hongling, ZHU Chen, YANG Sen, LI Guangmao |
Electric Power Test and Research Institute of Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau, Guangzhou 510410 |
Abstract In this paper, taking a misoperation accident of gas relay caused by oil replenishment of on load tap changer under live working condition of 220kV transformer as an example, through computational fluid dynamics (CFD) numerical simulation, the internal oil flow characteristics of on load tap changer during live/power-off oil replenishment process are compared, and it is concluded that the cause of gas protection misoperation is that the temperature of oil replenishment under live condition is higher than that under power-off condition. The influences of different oil temperature, different oil temperature inside the switch, and sudden closing of the oil makeup valve on the flow rate of the gas relay are analyzed. The results show that the oil temperature inside the oil makeup has a great influence on the steady-state average speed of the gas relay, while the oil temperature inside the on load tap changer has a great influence on the maximum average speed. At the same time, the sudden closing of the valve during the oil makeup process will not cause the misoperation of the gas relay. Finally, some suggestions are put forward for the live oil replenishment of on load tap changer.
Received: 07 June 2022
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QIAO Shengya,ZHOU Hongling,ZHU Chen等. Analysis on misoperation of gas relay caused by oil replenishment of on load tap changer with load[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(10): 86-90.
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