Modeling and reshaping control of single input and single output loop gain of the grid-forming energy storage converter grid-connected system |
GUO Xiaolong1, YANG Guixing1,2, ZHANG Yanjun1, ZHOU Yi3 |
1. State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd, Urumqi 830063; 2. School of Electrical Engineering, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046; 3. College of Electrical Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065 |
Abstract The energy storage converter is the core equipment in connecting the energy storage system and the grid. However, the interaction between the converter control loops and the grid impedance easily causes small-signal instability of the system. In order to clarify the interaction stability between the grid-forming (GFM) energy storage converter and gird, this paper proposes a power synchronization loop dominated single input and single output (SISO) loop gain model. Based on concepts of traditional magnitude and phase margins in frequency-domain control theory, small-signal stability margins of GFM energy storage converter grid-connected system are quantitatively depicted. The results indicate that the GFM energy storage converter has enough stability margin under the weak grid, but it has insufficient stability margin under the strong grid. Therefore, a loop gain reshaping control based on virtual impedance in the GFM energy storage converter is proposed. Impacts of parameters in virtual impedance control on noise immunity, steady-state operation point and stability of the system are studied for tuning these parameters. Finally, the correctness and effectiveness of the theoretical analysis are verified by the simulation model in Matlab/Simulink.
Received: 26 October 2022
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GUO Xiaolong,YANG Guixing,ZHANG Yanjun等. Modeling and reshaping control of single input and single output loop gain of the grid-forming energy storage converter grid-connected system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(2): 24-31.
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