Interphase coordinated control method for distributed static series compensator |
LIN Yizhe, PAN Lei, ZOU Qiang, DONG Yunlong |
NR Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102 |
Abstract Distributed static series compensator (DSSC) is a kind of serial flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) device and power modules are connected in series to AC line. To deal with power module fault in DSSC quickly and smoothly, this paper proposes an interphase coordinated control method for DSSC by introducing hot-standby control. When power module fault occurs in one phase, selected power modules in healthy phases will be switched to hot-standby mode and the output voltage is controlled to be zero. Moreover, the output voltage of other normal operated power modules will be enhanced to keep the DSSC outputting constant voltage. The proposed method can make sure that three-phase DSSC can be controlled in balance after power module fault without affecting the power flow in steady state. Furthermore, the proposed method is applied on Huzhou distributed power flow controller (DPFC) project, and power module fault simulative experiment is conducted to verify the feasibility and validity.
Received: 30 October 2023
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LIN Yizhe,PAN Lei,ZOU Qiang等. Interphase coordinated control method for distributed static series compensator[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(1): 72-78.
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