Research on tubular busbar support fitting temperature characteristic based on electromagnetic-thermal fields |
ZHAO Jiakang, ZHENG Yi, ZHANG Keqian |
NR Electric Power Electronics Co.,Ltd, Changzhou, Jiangsu 213025 |
Abstract In order to solve the excessive temperature problem of the tubular busbar support fittings, for a convertor station ice-melting project, the tubular busbar support fitting loss and temperature characteristic are studied by electromagnetic-thermal coupling method and test. Based on the simulation data, the impact of the fitting structure and material property on the temperature is analyzed. The results show that, if the fitting is with high permeability and is close to the conductor, slotting cannot suppress the temperature rise thoroughly. Low permeability and high conductivity material can reduce the loss significantly, thus to avoid the excessive temperature rise. The test results basically coincide with the simulation, and it verified the rationality of the simulation model.
Received: 21 June 2024
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ZHAO Jiakang,ZHENG Yi,ZHANG Keqian. Research on tubular busbar support fitting temperature characteristic based on electromagnetic-thermal fields[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(11): 48-52.
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