Design and application of variable frequency starting circuit for heavy duty gas turbine |
WANG Yang |
Dongfang Electric Autocontrol Engineering Co., Ltd, Deyang, Sichuan 618000 |
Abstract The design of variable frequency starting circuit for heavy duty gas turbine is directly related to the operation safety of the unit. In order to ensure the starting reliability of the unit, the starting system is required to implement redundancy configuration. As a short-time running equipment, the static frequency converter (SFC) is mostly in standby state. There are problems such as large equipment investment and low equipment utilization rate. This paper introduces the loop connection and application of gas turbine SFC starting system, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of each starting loop. A SFC collaborative design method for multiple power plants is proposed. Practice shows that this method can not only ensure the reliability of unit operation, but also improve equipment utilization efficiency, reduce equipment configuration and project investment. It provides a new starting system configuration scheme for new gas turbine projects, especially expansion projects.
Received: 08 July 2024
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