Key factors restricting accurate control of high load in Ge-Nan direct current project |
FU Guangxu, WANG Yongping, LUO Jinhui |
NR Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102 |
Abstract In 2023, Ge-Nan DC project carried out the renovation of control, protection and converter valves. During the trial operation, there was an abnormal situation where the power did not reach 1 160MW due to overload limiting current. Therefore, the reason why the DC voltage at the sending end cannot reach the rated voltage during high load operation after the renovation of DC line is analyzed firstly. On this basis, the key factors restricting accurate control of high load are analyzed, including low AC voltage or low converter gear, higher relative DC inductive voltage drop set in the control than the actual value, and extinction angle operating above the rated reference value. Subsequently, a brief analysis is conducted on the impact of measurement error of DC voltage, deviation of DC line resistance and forward pressure drop of converter valve on accurate control of DC power. Finally, targeted solutions are proposed and validated through the real-time digital simulation platform.
Received: 13 November 2023
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FU Guangxu,WANG Yongping,LUO Jinhui. Key factors restricting accurate control of high load in Ge-Nan direct current project[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(2): 79-84.
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