Development and application of automatic deployment system for security measures in intelligent substation |
ZHANG Long1, HUANG Ting2, LI Jianhua1, WEI Xiaodong1 |
1. State Grid Xi’an Power Supply Company, Xi’an 710032; 2. Shaanxi Power Transmission and Transfer Engineering Co., Ltd, Xi’an 710014 |
Abstract The arrangement of security measures is an important way to ensure the safety of substation equipment maintenance. The traditional manual deployment of security measures is time-consuming and labor-intensive, requiring multiple safety tools, which is difficult to meet the various requirements of the current development of intelligent substations. In response to the problems of low intelligence and automation in the existing fences of substations, a visible laser grid infrared grating electronic fence warning system activated by sesurity measures deployment cards is designed. The system uses a display liquid crystal display screen and visible laser grid to replace red curtains, signs, etc., and a magnetic suction type air switch protection box is developed to achieve the goal of preventing accidental operation of the air switch. This system effectively improves the efficiency of substation security measures deployment, enhances the level of substation control technology, and ensures the safe and stable operation of the power grid.
Received: 02 July 2024
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ZHANG Long,HUANG Ting,LI Jianhua等. Development and application of automatic deployment system for security measures in intelligent substation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(9): 71-75.
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