Study on environmental control technology of subterranean double-deck power transformer and distribution station room |
Chen Yuhui1, Dai Renjie1, Liu Mingtao2, Cheng Fang3 |
1. Shanghai Songjiang Electric Power Company of State Grid, Shanghai 201600; 2. China Energy Construction Group Jiangsu Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211101; 3. Wuxi Saifu Electric Power Environment Control Equipment Co., Ltd, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214001 |
Abstract The failure of the switchgear due to environmental control problems in the underground two-story structural substation is mainly caused by condensation. Based on the analysis of the failure phenomenon of the switchgear, this paper analyzes the condensation mechanism to find out the cause of the condensation of the switchgear in the substation, and proposes the main measures to prevent the condensation of the switchgear. Using the controllable weak airflow ventilation design technology, combined with the intelligent environmental control system, the environmental control engineering scheme of the switch room of the two-story structural transformer substation is constructed. The operation result after the engineering application shows that the system can effectively control the change/substation switch. The indoor temperature and humidity prevent the generation of moist condensation. Compared with the conventional environmental control technology, the operating energy consumption is significantly reduced, the indoor air quality is effectively controlled, the maintenance workload is significantly reduced, and the operating environment of the transformer & substation is obtained. Effective improvement, the level of intelligence in environmental control has been improved.
Received: 17 April 2019
Published: 29 September 2019
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Chen Yuhui,Dai Renjie,Liu Mingtao等. Study on environmental control technology of subterranean double-deck power transformer and distribution station room[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(10): 80-85.
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