朱长银1,2 , 吕航1,2 , 丁杰1,2
1.南京南瑞继保电气有限公司,南京 211102; 2.智能电网保护和运行控制企业国家重点实验室,南京 211102
Automatic configuration scheme of substation configuration description files in smart substation based on template reuse
ZHU Changyin1,2 , LÜ Hang1,2 , DING Jie1,2
1. NR Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102; 2. State Key Laboratory of Smart Grid Protection and Control, Nanjing 211102
摘要 目前,在智能变电站工程实施中,未充分发挥二次设备模型及回路数字化优势,未重用已有智能变电站工程配置成果,导致智能变电站集成标准化水平偏低,集成效率及质量较差。本文提出一种基于模板复用的智能变电站系统配置描述(SCD)文件自动配置方案,首先建立典型变电站SCD文件模板库,然后根据实际工程情况选取SCD文件模板并导入实际工程的各二次设备模型,再基于标准化虚端子名称更新虚端子连线关系即完成SCD配置。本文分析智能变电站集成的主要配置工作,针对性地提出一种基于模板复用的SCD文件自动配置方案,并结合工程示例说明具体实施过程,该自动配置方案的应用可显著提升智能变电站集成效率及质量。
关键词 :
智能变电站 ,
SCD文件 ,
模板复用 ,
Abstract :At present, the implementation of smart substation projects does not take advantage of the digitization of secondary equipment and secondary circuit, and does not make full use of the existing smart substation configuration description (SCD), resulting in low level of standardization, poor integration efficiency and low quality in project implementation. This paper proposes a scheme for automatic configuration of SCD files for smart stations based on template reuse. Firstly, the typical SCD file template library of smart substation is established. Then the SCD file template is selected according to the actual project configuration and the actual secondary equipment models is imported. And the virtual terminal connection is updated based on the standardized virtual terminal name to complete the SCD configuration. The paper analyzes the configure work of smart station, proposes an automatic configuration scheme based on SCD template reuse, and provides engineering examples to illustrate specific implementation schemes. The application of this automatic configuration scheme can significantly improve the efficiency and quality of smart station integration.
Key words :
smart substation
substation configuration description (SCD) files
template reuse
automatic configuration
收稿日期: 2021-09-13
作者简介 : 朱长银(1980—),男,硕士,高级工程师,研究方向为电力系统保护控制平台及量测系统的研究与开发。
朱长银, 吕航, 丁杰. 基于模板复用的智能变电站系统配置描述文件自动配置方案[J]. 电气技术, 2022, 23(3): 77-81.
ZHU Changyin, LÜ Hang, DING Jie. Automatic configuration scheme of substation configuration description files in smart substation based on template reuse. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(3): 77-81.
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