Rejection of Low Frequency Oscillation in Power Systems Based on WAMS |
Liu Bin, Yang Peihong, Zhang Yujie |
School Of Information Engineering,Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou, Neimenggu 014010 |
Abstract The paper introduces a supplementary excitation damping controller based on WAMS(wide area measurement system)which in order to enhance the damping of Grid System oscillation. For the property of non-linear, non-stationary low frequency oscillation signals, using improved HHT method for on line identification of low frequency oscillation. A particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to parameter optimization of the controller in power system stabilizer by the identification result. The adaptive PSS provides effective damping in the case of transient operation and reject the low frequency oscillation. The results of simulation model show that SEDC could improve power system stability better.
Published: 26 June 2014
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Liu Bin,Yang Peihong,Zhang Yujie. Rejection of Low Frequency Oscillation in Power Systems Based on WAMS[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(02): 36-40.
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