Study on Dynamic Performance of Electrified Railway Pantograph-catenary System under Different Tension Classes |
Liu Fanglin |
Patent Examination Cooperation Center of the Patent Office, Sipo, Chengdu 610200 |
Abstract In order to improve the stability of electric transmission for locomotive, this paper investigates the pantograph-catenary current collection quality under different tension classes. Euler-Bernoulli beam is utilized to model the vertical vibration of catenary. According to the parameters of China passenger special line, the catenary model is established based on modal superstition method. With a lumped-parameter pantograph model, the dynamic simulation of pantograph-catenary is realized. Three classes of tension are defined. Through dynamic simulation, the current collection quality under different tension classes is investigated. The results show that the increase of tension is able to improve the current collection quality, which is manifested by the decease of the fluctuation, the decrease of the maximum contact force, and the increase of the minimum contact force.
Published: 22 January 2018
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Liu Fanglin. Study on Dynamic Performance of Electrified Railway Pantograph-catenary System under Different Tension Classes[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(12): 86-89.
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