A novel control method for three-level static var generator under unbalanced load in three-phase four-wire system |
Zhao Can, Gu Shuo, Huang Chao, Luo Naihao, Yan Pan |
Wuhan Jinpan Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd, Wuhan 430000 |
Abstract There are a lot of reactive power and nonlinear loads in distribution network in three-phase four-wire system.It has a good effect of a low-voltage static var generator, that works under a balanced load. However, in the case of unbalanced load, the result is not so good. In this paper, a novel control method for three-level static var generator under unbalanced load in three-phase four-wire system is proposed to solve the problem. The proposed system is modeled under the Matlab/Simulink environment, simulation results show that: the strategy this paper proposed can achieve three-phase reactive-power compensation effectively in three-phase four-wire system, and has a good effect on reactive-power compensation under the unbalanced load.
Received: 30 July 2019
Published: 27 February 2020
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Zhao Can,Gu Shuo,Huang Chao等. A novel control method for three-level static var generator under unbalanced load in three-phase four-wire system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(2): 31-37.
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