Application of SF6/N2 mixture in 126kV gas insulated switchgear |
DAI Zhen1,2, WANG Tongde1, ZHU Zhenhua2 |
1. Jiangsu NARI Hengchi Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214161; 2. Wuxi Hengchi CHEM Switchgear Co., Ltd, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214161 |
Abstract Most gas insulated switchgear (GIS) in service use SF6 with better insulation properties as the insulating medium. For the achievement of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, research on the replacement of insulating gas to control the use and emission of SF6 gas is helpful to improve the environmental friendliness of power equipment. In order to realize the application of SF6/N2 mixtures in 126kV GIS, the basic parameters of 126kV SF6/N2 mixture GIS are first determined, while the feasibility of the design is verified by establishing the finite element model of each unit. The type test shows that on the premise of maintaining the existing GIS structure, a mixture of SF6/N2 with appropriate mixing ratio and inflation pressure can ensure the normal operation of GIS.
Received: 27 June 2023
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