Analysis of two typical power transmission systems of wind turbine under yaw conditions |
LEI Xianyong, CEN Xianfu, GAO Baoyin, BAI Mingrui |
Goldwind Science & Technology Co.,Ltd, Beijing 100176 |
Abstract Under the yaw condition of wind turbines, a twisted cable system is usually used to achieve power transmission. The trational twisted cable system is complex and difficult to design, and there are problems such as cable slip, wear and overtemperature. A new twisted cable system is proposed in this paper, which adopts which adopts dual load-bearing, non-contact and spacing laying schemes, to address these problems. At the same time, the number of cables is prone to exceed the limit as the capacity of the unit increases. Thus, the yaw collector ring system without twisted cable is developed to achieve power transmission. The prototype verification results show that the developed system can completely solve the existing problems of twisted cables.
Received: 27 May 2024
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LEI Xianyong,CEN Xianfu,GAO Baoyin等. Analysis of two typical power transmission systems of wind turbine under yaw conditions[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(11): 63-69.
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