Analysis of breakdown and simulation optimization for vacuum interrupter |
ZHAO Shusheng, HUI Jie, LIU Bojia, HU Quandan, LI Zhao |
NR Electric Power Electronics Co., Ltd, Changzhou, Jiangsu 213025 |
Abstract The vacuum interrupter, as the breaking unit of the vacuum circuit breaker, restricts the insulation and breaking performance of the vacuum circuit breaker. In order to improve the insulation performance of the vacuum interrupter, this article analyzes the electric field distribution of the vacuum interrupter and the ground potential plate at different relative positions and under different pressures at the dynamic and static ends. It explores the fundamental reasons for the insulation breakdown of the magnetic shell of the vacuum interrupter, and innovatively optimizes the fixing scheme of the voltage equalization cover in the vacuum interrupter, eliminating the wedgy airgap. After improvement, the electric intensity inside the porcelain sleeve at the breakdown point of the vacuum interrupter is reduced to 0.02kV/mm, which is 99% lower than that before improvement, avoiding insulation breakdown caused by high electric intensity at the fixed point of the voltage equalization cover. This provides a solution for the structural optimization of the vacuum interrupter.
Received: 08 April 2024
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ZHAO Shusheng,HUI Jie,LIU Bojia等. Analysis of breakdown and simulation optimization for vacuum interrupter[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(7): 81-84.
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