Power operation and maintenance work order assignment method based on CRITIC method and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation |
WANG Kunpeng, XIAO Huanyu, ZHANG Chi, DING Liang, ZHANG Yanhui |
Xuchang Xuji Software Technology Co., Ltd, Xuchang, He’nan 461000 |
Abstract The assignment of work orders is an essential part of the power operation and maintenance management system. Timely and accurate assignment methods can effectively improve the efficiency of work order circulation. Based on in-depth analysis of the characteristics of work order management in the field of power operation and maintenance, this article proposes an automatic assignment model for power operation and maintenance work orders based on fit degree. The model adopts criteria importance though intercrieria correlation (CRITIC) weighting method and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to calculate the compatibility between operation and maintenance personnel and work orders, determine the optimal candidate for work order assignment, and then achieve automatic assignment of work orders. The practical application results show that compared to manual assignment, this automatic assignment model can effectively improve the efficiency and accuracy of work order assignment.
Received: 24 September 2024
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WANG Kunpeng,XIAO Huanyu,ZHANG Chi等. Power operation and maintenance work order assignment method based on CRITIC method and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2025, 26(1): 75-79.
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