Research on voltage control of electric spring based on model-free adaptive control |
CHEN Hongtao, QIN Yidan, YANG Chengshun, HUANG Xiaoning |
Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 211100 |
Abstract In response to the intermittency and uncertainty of renewable energy generation, which leads to changes in the model parameters of the electric spring (ES) system and a decrease in control performance, this paper proposes a model-free adaptive control (MFAC) strategy applied to the ES system. This strategy involves updating the control law equation and pseudo-derivative estimation equation in real-time using only the input-output data of ES. Through the compact form dynamic linearization algorithm, the input-output data of ES is described as a compact form dynamic linearization data model to replace the non-linear system of ES, thus achieving model-free adaptive control of ES. To verify the superiority of the control strategy proposed in this paper, the voltage stabilisation effect of the ES system is simulated by Matlab/Simulink. The results show that the voltage stabilisation response speed is improved by 0.07s, and the voltage waveform distortion rate is reduced by 6.43%, compared with the traditional proportional integral (PI) control strategy.
Received: 15 August 2024
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CHEN Hongtao,QIN Yidan,YANG Chengshun等. Research on voltage control of electric spring based on model-free adaptive control[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2025, 26(2): 42-48.
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