晋能孝义煤电有限公司,山西 孝义 032300
Analysis and countermeasures of control loop disconnection of 35kV circuit breaker
Jinneng Xiaoyi Coal & Electricity Co., Ltd, Xiaoyi, Shanxi 032300
摘要 在介绍35kV电气系统中VEX型真空断路器电气控制回路及断线原因的基础上,以某电厂新建35kV变电站调试过程中真空断路器合闸时,不定期无规律性地出现继保装置控制回路断线故障为例,进行实地故障分析,解决控制回路断线的问题,总结了该类型断路器控制回路断线故障的主要原因。
关键词 :
断路器 ,
控制回路 ,
断线 ,
Abstract :Based on the introduction of the VEX type vacuum circuit breaker's electric control circuit and the loop disconnection in 35kV electric system, this paper discusses the control loop disconnection in the VEX type vacuum circuit breaker and solves the situation by the fault analysis for the non-regular and irregular relay protection device reports the control loop disconnection in the commissioning of a new 35kV substation, then summarizes the main reasons of the fault and offers a more comprehensive understanding to the 35kV circuit breaker.
Key words :
circuit breaker
control loop
electrical failure
收稿日期: 2020-09-17
作者简介 : 任虎(1989—),男,汉族,山西孝义人,硕士,主要研究方向为继电保护设备检修工作。
任虎. 35kV断路器控制回路断线原因分析及处理[J]. 电气技术, 2021, 22(5): 112-116.
REN Hu. Analysis and countermeasures of control loop disconnection of 35kV circuit breaker. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(5): 112-116.
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