孙仲民, 吕航, 熊蕙, 张晓宇, 顾乔根
南京南瑞继保电气有限公司,南京 211102
A relay protection action diagnosis system for intelligent substation
SUN Zhongmin, LÜ Hang, XIONG Hui, ZHANG Xiaoyu, GU Qiaogen
NR Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102
摘要 为提高电力系统二次设备的运行安全性和运维效率,设计一种智能变电站继电保护动作诊断系统。该系统可集成于智能运维平台,通过分析保护动作时产生的各类报文信息和录波数据,对保护动作行为进行诊断。首先建立基于统一语义的数据引用模型,实现诊断信息的自动匹配和采集;其次通过分析报文,在二次虚回路诊断图中快速定位异常虚回路,并给出异常原因;最后给出综合的保护动作诊断结果。诊断结果可整合为巡检报告,以减少定检、巡检的工作量。该系统不仅可用于指导保护动作分析,还有利于提高继电保护运维水平。
关键词 :
继电保护 ,
智能变电站 ,
动作诊断 ,
Abstract :In order to improve the operation safety and operational efficiency of the secondary equipment of the power system, a relay protection action diagnosis system for intelligent substation is designed. The system can be integrated into the smart operation and maintenance platform. The protective action performance can be diagnosed by analyzing the various information and recording data which is generated by the protection device. Firstly, a data reference model based on unified semantics is established to realize the automatic matching and collection of diagnostic information. Secondly, the abnormal virtual loop is quickly located in the diagnosis diagram of the second virtual loop by analyzing the message, and the abnormal reason is given simultaneously. Finally, the comprehensive protective action diagnosis results are given, which can be sorted into the patrol inspection report to reduce the workload of the patrol inspection. The system can not only be used to guide the protection action analysis, but also to improve the level of relay protection operation and maintenance.
Key words :
relay protection
intelligent substation
action diagnosis
intelligent maintenance
收稿日期: 2021-12-20
基金资助: 福建省电力有限公司科技项目(52130019001L)
作者简介 : 孙仲民(1989—),男,江苏盐城人,博士,工程师,主要从事电力系统继电保护及二次系统智能运维的研究与开发工作。
孙仲民, 吕航, 熊蕙, 张晓宇, 顾乔根. 智能变电站继电保护动作诊断系统[J]. 电气技术, 2022, 23(6): 77-82.
SUN Zhongmin, LÜ Hang, XIONG Hui, ZHANG Xiaoyu, GU Qiaogen. A relay protection action diagnosis system for intelligent substation. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(6): 77-82.
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