Review of Safety Security Measure for Substation Equipment High Voltage Test |
Jin Yongao,Qu Jinqiu,Zhou Zhihao,Yin Shuguang |
State Grid Jibei Electric Power Co., Ltd, Langfang Power Supply Company, Langfang, Hebei 065000 |
Abstract Withing high specificity and danger, high voltage test is one of the essential aspects of the power system’s running and maintenance. With the gradual deepening of the State Grid Corporation “UHV” construction, substation primary equipment voltage level are becoming higher and higher, the test voltage of the high voltage test is also increasing, and this are bring some growing threat to the personal safety of the staff. Thus, to take some effective security measures to protect the personal safety of test personnel is very important. A conclusion and classification of the current safety security measures used for high voltage test of the substation equipment were presented, and analyzed the mehods, features and suitable situation, and which can provide a reference for the further application and technology research.
Published: 19 May 2015
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Jin Yongao,Qu Jinqiu,Zhou Zhihao等. Review of Safety Security Measure for Substation Equipment High Voltage Test[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(05): 85-88.
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