申涛1 , 李月青1 , 赵玉成2
1. 国网浙江省电力公司检修分公司,杭州 310000; 2. 国网嘉兴供电公司,浙江 嘉兴 31400
Application of Transition Interface Device in the 500kV Substation Protection Intelligent Transform
Shen Tao1 , Li Yueqing2 , Zhao Yucheng3
1. State Grid Zhejiang Maintenance Company, Hangzhou 310000; 2. State Grid Jiaxing Power Supply Company, Jiaxing, Zhejiang 314000
摘要 针对500kV变电站智能化改造过程中,如何实现智能型二次系统与常规型二次系统之间的信息交互,结合500kV变电站二次系统智能化的改造方案与实施过程,重点介绍了过渡接口装置在500kV母差保护、220kV母差保护及主变保护智能化改造过程中的应用,以及改造过程中的注意事项。
关键词 :
智能化改造 ,
继电保护 ,
过渡接口装置 ,
Abstract :This paper analyzed how to realize information interaction between the Intelligent protection device and conventional protection device, in 500kV substation intelligent transformation process. Introduced the application of transition interface device in the process of 500kV bus protection, 220kV bus protection and transformer protection transform, point out the matters needing attention in the process of transformation.
Key words :
intelligent transformation
protection device
transition interface device
500kV substation
出版日期: 2016-01-13
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