Research on multi-objective optimal scheduling method of green power and low carbon aluminum based synergy considering electric energy substitution and demand response |
LIU Baoyong1, LIN Yitong2, TANG Liang1, SHI Jie2, ZHANG Xinxue2 |
1. Shandong Electric Power Engineering Consulting Institute Co., Ltd, Ji’nan 250013; 2. School of Physics and Technology, University of Ji’nan, Ji’nan 250022 |
Abstract With the growth of renewable energy and the increase of low carbon demand, alumina industry is facing the challenge of optimizing energy consumption. Targeting industrial production at high renewable energy ratios, it is optimized through electric energy substitution and demand response. In this paper, other green power real-time regulation is taken as the object of demand response, and a multi-objective demand response model of alumina production electricity consumption is established on the basis of guaranteeing that the rate of wind and light abandonment is minimized, and with the goal of satisfying the system economy and guaranteeing the output. The normal boundary intersection (NBI) method and nondominated sorting genetic algorithm Ⅱ (NSGA-Ⅱ) are used to optimize and solve the model. According to the analysis results of actual cases, the NBI algorithm performs better in reducing the electricity cost and the rate of power abandonment, with a cost reduction of 73% and a rate of power abandonment of 16.65 percentage points, compared to 70% and 15.65 percentage points, respectively, for NSGA-Ⅱ.
Received: 28 August 2024
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LIU Baoyong,LIN Yitong,TANG Liang等. Research on multi-objective optimal scheduling method of green power and low carbon aluminum based synergy considering electric energy substitution and demand response[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2025, 26(2): 26-34.
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