四川省电力公司内江电业局,四川 内江 641003
The Functional Frame and Design Principles of Smart Substation
Zhang Kejia
Sichuan Neijiang Electric Power Company Power, Neijiang, Sichuan 641003
摘要 在智能电网的建设和发展中,作为智能电网的重要组成部分,智能变电站的设计建设及投入使用至关重要。本文探讨了智能变电站的主要创新点,总结了智能变电站的系统结构设计以及智能变电站各个部分的功能。在此基础上,研究了智能变电站的具有的功能要求。最后,归纳了智能变电站的设计原则和及实际建设过程中注意事项。本文为智能变电站建设和研究人员提供一些理论参考。
关键词 :
智能变电站 ,
系统结构设计 ,
功能要求 ,
设计原则 ,
Abstract :As an important part of smart grid, the design, construction and application of smart substations come into a position of great significance. The innovations of smart substation are discussed and how system is designed and functions of every part are present in this paper on this basis, requirements made for these functions are summarized. Finally, design principles and detailed considerations are analyzed. What talked about in this article can be a reference to the intelligent substation’s constructions and researchers.
Key words :
smart substation
frame design
functional requirement
design principles
出版日期: 2013-07-25
作者简介 : 张可佳(1977-), 男, 四川内江人, 本科, 主要从事变电维护、改造及新建工作。
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